Monday, February 26, 2007

Wilsons Promontory National Park

Got into the national park at about 9am. The park is supposed to be really good for bushwalking and mountain climbing and I was looking forward to doing some proper hiking. The first walk was up a small mountain/big hill (about 250m high) that looks out over Mount Vereker.

This time I was a bit more prepared....I wore trainers and took water and stuff but it was so hot I couldn’t bear to wear trousers! The 'track' was really thin, I was virtually cutting my way through the bush at the beginning. It was a fairly easy walk but there were millions of big flies everywhere. They were so annoying that I'd jog a bit to lose them every so often. At one point I legged it round a corner and disturbed something in the bushes, by the sound it was making, was very big. I stood completely still wondering if I was going to get eaten, at which point a kangaroo popped up, saw me and bounced off!

Further up it was more like climbing than walking but that was fun. When I got to the top there were some amazing views. I was in the middle of the rainforest but you could still see beaches surrounding it miles away. After that I drove a long way into the park to the information office (which for some stupid reason was about 60km into the park!), had some lunch and chilled on the beach for a bit.

After lunch I decided to climb Mt. Oberon, which is 550m high and quite rocky. The track for this climb was actually really wide and easy at the beginning but it involved a lot of proper climbing at the top. It was such a hot day I thought I was gonna die by the time I was near the top...but the view at the top definitely made it all worth it!

I’ve added pictures to the last four posts over the last couple of days. Check out the great ocean road pix, they’re great!

The Vereker track started out quite easy....

And got a bit more difficult near the top!

Almost there!

The highest rock! You can't see the massive flies everywhere, was hard to keep still but the fact that there was a 200m drop behind me helped a bit....

Panaramic pic from the top or Vereker lookout

Another one...this took ages to make so I hope you like it!

I can't find out anything about this rock, which was about 3\4 the way up Vereker lookout...but its amazing!

Mt. Oberon

View of Oberon beach, Squeaky beach and Norman beach

An island far away....

Another island!

Where I started the climb!

Another mountain

More view.....

Catchin some sun at the top!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are quality, but my favorite part of it all is the fact youve gone ginger!