Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Krakow Pics!

Here are the pics from Krakow!!

The cloth hall in the main square

The two towers of St. Mary's church

Statue in the square

Another cool statue by the church

The Barbican

Me, our two guides, Paul and Scott in the salt mines

The castle at Krakow

The entrance to Auschwitz II

Train tracks at Auschwitz II

The Auschwitz II gas chambers, blown up by the retreting SS

Some of the blocks the prisoners lived in

The gates of Auschwitz I

The fences used to keep people in

"The Last Supper" carved out of salt

A Gnome carved out of salt

The salty tunnels!

Another couple of statues carved out of salt

Paintings hung on the defensive walls of Krakow

A giant head in the square!

The lake!

Jumping off the cliff - scary stuff!

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