Saturday, July 19, 2008


So I've been in Poland for the last three days and I'm having a great time! I got in from the night train at 6:30am and checked into the Flamingo Hostel. The night train was pretty good, the beds were so close above eachother that it was like sleeping in a little pod but I was so tired from not sleeping the night before that I slept all the way there!

I dumped my stuff and went for a wander around the square seeing the church, the barbican and the old walls of the town. I got back to the hostel and met some girls from South London who were going to Auschwitz and asked me if I wanted to tag along. I thought why not and we headed off! We took ages to get there and didn't manage to get around it all so I'm going again tomorrow and will write about it then. Had a great day though and the place was really interesting.

That night all the people from the hostel got taken out to a club and I met the other guests and partied all night! The next day a group of us got taken to a big lake. It used to be a quary but one day they hit a spring and three days later it was filled with water about 50 meters deep. The end result is a crystal clear lake in the middle of nowhere with huge cliffs and some amazing jumps! After a lot of syking up we jumped the big 16m cliff which was amazing! Unfortunately at the last hostel someone stole my swim shorts so I had to do it in my underwear!

That night it was party time again! And we met some Polish people as well which was cool. Unfortunately this place is a top destination for stag doos and due to their behaviour poeple don't generally like the English!

The next day myself, Paul and Scott went to the salt mines just outside the City. These salt mines go down as far as 130m and are full of amazing figures and pictures carved right out of salt by the miners - a really spectacular sight to see!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! That Hostel sounds amazing! Hope your having a good trip to Berlin! x x x x