It’s a 7’6” mini Malibu board and catches the waves like you wouldn’t believe! I actually bought it over a week ago but I've been too busy surfing to write to my blog! Was an absolute bargain at $330 (about £130) and I’m getting pretty good now.
I am covered in cuts a bruises, half from surfing and half from work.....which is going well still. We have had some really easy days lately and have worked for some rich people with amazing houses! we also replace old units which are usually fucked but sometimes completely fine and the customers still chuck them away. I could have had 4 units for free in the last 2 weeks.....but I dont have a house to put them in damnit!
If anyone has stayed in a hostel before you’ll know that you usually sleep in bunk beds.....well, getting in and out of the top bunk quietly when you’re lashed is a bit of a mission! So the other day I changed rooms so I could get a bottom bunk and ended up in a bigger room with a place for my surfboard, result! I’m now sharing a room with 2 English blokes, and English girl, an Irish bloke and a Swedish girl.
The hostel I’m in is so small (30 beds) that I know everyone who’s been there for a while. Its great cos we all go surfing together in the day and play drinking games in the evenings! Thursdays we all go for steak + drinks and last week I randomly bumped into a guy I went to uni with (Si Hassel if anyone from Uni is reading this). He came here a year ago and never left......small world huh!
I haven’t been anywhere particularly exciting since the last post; I’m trying to save enough money for a car to travel up the coast after Christmas. Been to look at a couple which were complete disasters, one actually broke down when I was test driving it! Luckily one of the guys at the hostel is a mechanic so I always get him to come with me so I don’t get scammed!
The weather is starting to get really hot and I’m ridiculously brown at the moment. The guys at work keep telling me its cold so I dunno how I'm gonna cope when its hot by their standards!
Anyway here are some pics, mainly of people from the hostel.
My lovely board!
Getting better ;)
Left to right: Phillip, me, Anton, Mark, Rob, Tim, Lottie and the side of Dave's head!
Me and Mark (don't ask!)
Rob and Dave
Delphine, Marion, Ian, me, Rob, Conor, Dave, Lottie and 3 crazy dutch girls!
Me and Conor about to play busdriver (the best drinking game ever!)
Marion and Ian
I was thirsty!
Phil didn't make it to his bed at the end of the night.....
Rob and Delphine
Juliet and me
Mark, Tim, Dave, Conor, Ian
Hey ziggy,
sounds ur having a fantastic time over there!!
Keep them posts coming!
(ps...ask those lovely dutchies where they come from aight?)
Hey! Looks like ur having a fab time, am still very jealous, keep up the drinking man! Take Care
Love Emma xx
Quite like the look of Juliet...does she like older men?
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