asked if I'd like them to take me to San Marino. The small republic was right up there on the list of places I
wanted to visit so I jumped at the chance.
We got on the road about 2ish but there were a couple of other things to do before driving over to San Marino.
The guys wanted to show me a bit of the Italian Countryside so we drove out into the mountains in search of some wild
cherry trees. Next, Branda wanted to make a quick stop to practice one of his hobbies....which just so happened to be
jumping off cliffs attached to a small parachute!! Unfortunately there wasn't enough wind, although he did make a few
attempts before finally admitting that even if he caught a small gust and got off the ground, he'd plummet like a stone
for about 400 meters before hitting the ground.
Next was a quick stop to a small airfield where his father needed a hand to get his plane in the air! The plane was quite
small but very mean looking (see pic) and after bounding along the not particularly flat grass "runway" he made it into the
air, did a lap round the airfield dipping down right in front of out noses, and shot off into the horizon.
After that it was off to San Marino! Apart from being one of only two countries to give England any points in the
Eurovision song contest, San Marino was once the smallest republic in the world (its now something like the 6th), is famous
for its three picturesque castles purched precariously on top of a mountain 800m above sea level (and for stamps) and is
probably the most hilly place I've ever been to! The combination of the steep winding roads and Branda's crazy driving added
the fun of a themepark rollercoaster to the day as well!
Once we got up tho the castles we got out and had a look around - it really is amazing how the three huge castles were built
right on top of the cliffs and one of them especially looks like its going to fall at any minute! They were really beautiful
and inside one of them was a museum with loads of old viscous looking weapons. After that it was back down the mountain to a
country bar for a beer or two and some aperitifs, the perfect end to the day!
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