Saturday, July 26, 2008


So, after the ridiculos train journey myself and Paul arrived in Berlin at about 2pm. We managed to sort ourselvs out a hostel and went for a wander over to the sony centre, a huge modern complex which (by the looks of it) is a feat of modern architecture! The next day we went on a free walking tour and learnt all about the historical bits of Berlin. We walked past a big section of the wall, which is crumbling away and didn't look as menacing as I thought it would. However, our guide explained that back in the day you would have to get past barbed wire fences, trip wires, snipers, hungry dogs and tank traps to even have a go at getting over the actual wall! Walking around it became clear that there is not really much left of old Berlin - there are new funky buildings sprouting up everywhere and its hard to find many pre WW2 buildings. One of the odd buildings that survived the bombings was the HQ of the Lauftwaffe (the German air force) which, along with its English counterpart, made it through all the bonbing runs completely unscathed! conspiricy...?!

That night we went on an awesome pub crawl but the nights of partying in Prague and Krakow had caught up with us so we only lasted til about 3am. The next day it was off to Amsterdam on a high speed train. The train was amazing and arrived to the minute so we checked into our hostel and spent the evening wandering around Amsterdam....

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