Sunday, December 09, 2012

Bye Bye Melbourne.....

So I left Melbourne in a bit of a hurry and have been travelling along the coast over the past few days....I've done so much stuff but internet cafe's are very scarce (and very expensive!) so this is the first opportunity I've had to write in a while (I'll still have to wait til I get to Sydney to upload photos).

I got back from the ocean road on the Friday so managed to start work at the race track on Saturday. My job was to help put up big marquees. This generally involved carrying poles and sections of the canvas around to different sites where tents were being errected. The work was as boring as any other labor work but I was getting cash in hand at the end of each day....or so I thought.

At the end of the first day the foreman made some excuse about not having any money on him so he'd pay us on Monday for both days. We didn't see him on Monday but made sure we spoke to him on Tuesday. He finally gave us the money for Saturdays work and said he'd pay us on Friday for the week. This wasn't exactly comforting news but there wasn't really much I could do about it so I carried on working til Friday. On the Friday morning I went to get the weeks pay....the guy said he hadn't had a chance to go to the bank blah blah blah . After going on at for a while he agreed to let me drive him to the ATM where he got my weeks pay out (no money for any of the other laborers). I drove him back, worked the couple of hours til lunchtime then buggered off. I didn't wanna go through that every week!

So I packed up, said goodbye to everybody in the flat and left!

Oh, before I left I went on a tour of the Melbourne Cricket Ground. It was spectacular, the place holds over 100,000 people and I got to walk on the pitch, in the dressing rooms, the press boxes and even sit on the senior member's leather seats!

Other than that I didn't do anything else exciting before leaving Melbourne but I have done so much stuff over the past few days. Unfortunately I am paying triple the usual rate for internet access so I'll have to write about it later! I am currently in a town called Eden, just inside the New South Wales border. I'll probably make Sydney in about 3-4 days....

My best attempt at making a 'panoramic' view of the MCG

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